Recent press coverage about education reform in Wisconsin:
Education experts offer opinions on merits of voucher school bill
Shelly Healy: Charter school bill could hurt education
Waukesha School District considers takeover of virtual school
Understanding Wisconsin’s charter school debate
Commentary: The state budget and the real impact on Racine Unified schools
Letter: Public education is under attack
Attack on Public Schools (YoutTube Senator Jon Erpenbach)
School Funding Cuts Create “Accidental Activists”
Walker Touts Plan for Charter Schools to Improve Wisconsin K-12 Education
The School Voucher Scam
Seven Stumbling Blocks for Madison Prep
Our view: Charter schools need testing, too
MPS agrees to close, merge, move schools
Joy Cardin of WPR: Charter schools vs. Public Schools.
School Choice Demonstration Program releases results of study of Milwaukee Parental Choice Program
Keep teacher licenses for charter schools
Wisconsin Leads the War on Public Schools
Madison School Board Approves Planning Grant For Charter School
Disability Rights Testimony on SB 22
DPI: Students in Milwaukee Voucher Program Didn't Perform Better in State Tests
Board members testify against charter school bill
GOP Seeks to Expand School Voucher Program
Rep. Pop-Roberts Exposes Walker's Budgeting Error
Walker Overestimated Effects of School Savings, Dem Lawmaker Says
Debate Surrounds Possible Effects of Charter School Legislation
Wisconsin Lawmakers Want to Lift Virtual Charter Cap
The Next Step in Scott Walker's Corporate Reform Agenda: Diploma Mills
Keep MPS Residency Rule, Wisconsin Senate Panel Urged
Senate committee holds hearing on charter school bill
Hundreds attend, testify at legislative hearing on charter school changes
Charter school changes would hurt quality
Republican bill calls for board of political appointees to authorize charter schools
Scott Walker is the New Face of Education Reform
Off the Square: Charter schools brought to you by...
Just Say No to Voucher Expansion
With Governor Walker's 'Tools': Wisconsin Dismantling Public Education
Democrats slam Walker's education plans
Rep. Clark: Public education losing to private interests
Diane Ravitch - Lessons from Wisconsin
School choice programs get boost in Walker budget
Diane Ravitch - Eight civics lessons from Governor Walker